Tuesday, January 31, 2012

destination one: bright yellow daisies & candy cane morgues

There are multiple schools of thought on how to start a trip. Some cannonball into it, setting forth for the wilds of Albania or the dark side of the moon. And then there others, more cautious, who dip a toe into the water, wiggle it for a few minutes and then go inside to fetch a thermometer. I'll leave it to you to decide where on the spectrum this blog falls.

Setting aside philosophical schools of thought for the moment, welcome to Couer d'Couers. 

Couer d'Couers is a small town with an alarmingly high murder rate in the picturesque world of Pushing Daisies. As a general note of caution, I would stay away from: crash test dummies; RealDolls; dog breeders; scratch 'n sniff books; bees; candy vats; mimes; magic acts; and frescorts, among other things.

But the atmosphere of the world stands out among  all other psuedo-storybook and fairy tale adaptions currently on television. The landscape is striking in its vividness with brighter daisies, redder strawberries and crisper lines than exist any where else. Walking the streets here, you'll see architecture that ranges from a candy cane colored morgue to the striking pie crust atop the Pie Hole. The two most interesting and involved industries in the town, actually, are food and death.

Now, whether this means you'll enjoy your cup-pie from the Pie Hole at a picnic in the cemetery or if you'd prefer to keep your dining and funerary visits separate is up to you. But it's a feature of the area worth noting; life may be fragile and subject to get up and go at the touch of a finger -- and then return just as easily -- but the essentials of it thrive in every reanimated plum.

In that spirit, I hope you all take the time to really savor something sweet, wherever you are.


  1. I had no idea this show was about that! And what color! Well heck...might have to give it a look :)

    1. \o/ Success! It was a really interesting show; two parts murder mystery (sort of) and three parts fairy tale (sort of) with occasional musical interludes.

  2. I've only seen that show a few times, but your post makes me want to visit again. I love how you make it a real/surreal place.

    1. Thank you. The surreal, storybook aspect of the show is one of the things which enchanted me while it was airing.

  3. It's a charming little show. I have always enjoyed it. It got canceled after 2 seasons, but you can watch both on Netflix!

    I love the direction this blog is taking.

    1. It really was quite charming. I'm still a bit sad over it's cancellation. Particularly now, when there are so many shows and films that are putting spins on traditional fairy tales and Pushing Daisies was it's own, pseudo-fairy tale.

      Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy it.
